Youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery
Youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery

youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery

Support for PP3 processing profiles (sidecar files), whole and partial,.A Before|After view to compare your latest change to any previous one,.Maximize screen-space by right-clicking on a tool to keep it visible while automatically collapsing the other ones,.Scroll the tool panels using your mouse scroll wheel without worrying about accidentally misadjusting any tools, or hold the Shift key while using the mouse scroll wheel to manipulate the adjuster the cursor is hovering over,.Easily pan around photos much larger than your screen thanks to pan rate amplification, eliminating the need for numerous and fidgety mouse movements,.A flexible UI where panels and some individual elements can be adapted or hidden,.A snapshot panel to work with multiple versions of changes to a photo,.A history panel to easily see what changes you made and jump back to a specific point,.Support for DCP and ICC color profiles, for precise colors or for replicating the “camera look” to match out-of-camera JPEG images,.File browser featuring colored tagging, searching (by text matched to the filename), metadata filtering (by file type, camera model, lens model, photo parameters),.Support for reading and tone-mapping 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit floating-point HDR images in the DNG format,.Color management using the LittleCMS v2 color management system for more precise color handling, providing control over working and output color space,.SSE optimizations for better performance on modern CPUs,.Floating point engine – the only raw developer on the market which does all calculations in precise floating point notation so nothing gets rounded off and lost,.A batch processing queue to make tweaking a photo as fast as possible while leaving the CPU grunt work queued up for later,.All the standard features you would expect from a raw developer and much more,.International: it is available in 25 languages!īut that´s not even nearly all, a LOT more features: General Features.

youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery

It is cross-platform: Linux, Mac, or Windows, be it 32-bit or 64-bit – you pick, we provide.


Download the source code, modify it, feel free to do what comes to mind.

  • RawTherapee is free and open source software, meaning you can use it free of charge, wherever you like on whatever hardware you like, as long as you abide by the copyleft GPLv3 license.
  • Various layouts: multiple tabs, single tab with filmstrip, vertical tab with filmstrip, dual monitor.
  • Command line usage besides the normal graphical interface.
  • Can send to GIMP or the editing tool of your choice in one click (16-bit TIFF file).
  • Advanced control over the algorithms with many fine-tuning parameters and curves.
  • Can save JPEG, PNG (8- and 16-bit) and TIFF (8- and 16-bit) images.
  • Can load most raw files including 16-, 24- and 32-bit raw HDR DNG images, as well as standard JPEG, PNG (8- and 16-bit) and TIFF (8-, 16- and 32-bit logluv) images.
  • Wide variety of supported cameras: almost all DSLRs and even some medium format bodies are supported.
  • An optional secondary display can be used.
  • Parallel editing of multiple images in separate editor tabs, and/or all at once from the file browser.
  • Partially copying and/or pasting is also possible.
  • Copy/paste editing parameters from one file to many other.
  • Batch processing: convert all the developed images at once without loading the processor while you work.
  • Quick thumbnails load lightning fast and are replaced later with live thumbnails.
  • Multi-threaded algorithms for high performance (RawTherapee can utilize modern processor features, like SSE).
  • Several tools to enhance details: unsharp mask, RL deconvolution, contrast by detail levels.
  • Multiple denoising methods: luminance, chrominance (both rewritten in 2012), impulse (for salt and pepper noise) noise reduction.
  • Enhanced exposure and tonality tools: tone and Lab curves, highlights and shadows tools, tone mapping (HDR-like effect), etc.
  • Powerful CIE Color Appearance Model 2002 (CIECAM02) module.
  • Advanced color handling from white balance to HSV (Hue-Saturation-Value) curves, color toning and color management including wide-gamut and soft-proofing support.
  • Get the most details and least artifacts from your raw photos thanks to modern and traditional demosaicing algorithms: AMaZE, DCB, AHD, EAHD, HPHD, IGV, LMMSE, VNG4, Mono and Fast.
  • 96-bit (floating point) processing engine.

    In this blogpost i want to show you a completely FREE, yes you read that right, FREE RAW photo editor RawTherapee 5, which has more features than any other editor software i have seen, including Lightroom, Capture One, ON1…

    Youtube on1 photo raw 2018 shadow recovery